Embarkation and disembarkation

About embarkation and disembarkation

All vessels are required to send lists of individuals embarking or disembarking in Aalborg to the local police (North Jutland Police) by e-mail: njyl-graensekontrol@politi.dk no later than 24 hours before arrival.

Download transferlist

For individuals disembarking in Aalborg, passport control will be performed upon arrival in Aalborg.

Contact with the local police

If you have any questions concerning embarkation and disembarkation, North Jutland Police can be contacted directly by phone (+45) 4033 2096 from August 2nd until Sunday August 7th

Passport control will be present in the event area:

August 2nd: 12:00 – 20:00
August 3rd: 12:00 – 20:00
August 4th: 08:00 – 20:00
August 5th: 08:00 – 20:00
August 6th: 08:00 – 20:00
August 7th: 08:00 – 16:00

Disembarkation permit

According to Danish immigration rules, the Tall Ships Races Aalborg organization is required to apply for a disembarkation permit on behalf of participating vessels expect for state and navy vessels.

The application is to be processed by the Danish Immigration Service prior to the vessels’ arrival in Aalborg.

As a result, all participating vessels can expect to be contacted in the beginning of May by The Tall Ships Races 2022 Aalborg organization with a request for the following information:

  • Date of arrival in Aalborg
  • Vessels name
  • Next port after Aalborg
  • Estimated number of crews
  • Estimated number of trainees/passengers


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